Rubber items.

To meet the needs of customers who are looking for rubber solutions for uses other than acoustic comfort, we have developed specific solutions for mechanical protection. Comfortable mats that create a protective anti-abrasion membrane to protect bituminous sheathing, ventilated wooden roofs and existing flooring from the passage of heavy vehicles on construction sites.

But we have also created a dedicated service for customers asking for specific recycled rubber items, made by hot and cold press moulding, die-cutting, waterjet and blade cutting.


Insulation and structural protection.

Protection for bituminous sheathing
SBR rubber granules anchored and hot-pressed with polyurethane binders. It is suitable for a wide range of applications as a protective and anti-abrasion membrane.
Sylpro is a draining and ice-resistant product that provides stable performance over time.
The mat can be easily applied directly over the bituminous sheathing.

Fields of use.
  • Mechanical protection for waterproofing membranes

  • Mechanical protection for wooden and ventilated roofs


Technical characteristics.

Thickness 6 mm 8 mm 10mm
Dimensions 8,00×1,20 m 8,00×1,20 m 8,00×1,20 m
Surface mass 4,8 kg/m2 6,4 kg/m2 8,0 kg/m2
Thermal conductivity coefficient (λ) 0,120 W/mK 0,120 W/mK 0,120 W/mK
Compressibility c ≤ 0,2 mm ≤ 0,2 mm ≤ 0,4 mm
Reaction to fire E Class E Class E Class



We produce mechanical support plates and technical articles in various shapes, sizes and colours with thicknesses varying from 10 to 50mm, reaching a maximum length of 8m and a width of 120cm. To produce these items, we use different types of rubber, adhesives and tear-resistant supports.


We use die-cutting to produce shaped rubber items in large series. This process allows us to produce technical items of very small dimensions and very low thickness and, at the same time, to produce very complex shapes, including curves and irregular lines.


Waterjet cutting frees us from the need to create moulds and dies, without having to give up the variety of shapes that can be produced. As well as being completely sustainable, this process ensures a precise cut of the rubber, producing no deformation in the processed material.

Blade cutting

Thanks to this process, we are able to cold cut any rubber shape up to 10 cm thick, achieving very high levels of precision. Blade cutting reduces costs compared to die-cutting, while production is much more agile, thanks to 3D software that determines the cuts to be made.

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