WaltherPark di Bolzano
The Waltherpark Bolzano project involved the renovation of the area [...]
The project concerns the machinery isolation in the technical room [...]
Microscope isolation HR-TEM laboratory located at the Department of Earth Sciences
The object of the intervention is to passively isolate a [...]
La Perla Residence
Construction of a complex in the historic center of Mogliano [...]
Renovation Villa Caterina
The project involves the building renovation and consolidation with complete [...]
Acoustic insulation of a prestigious building
In Via degli Artisti in the heart of Trieste, the company Zaco Costruzioni carried out a major renovation project, restoring to its former glory a priceless historic building that had been left neglected for many years.
Engine test bench basement
Aero Avio’s Rivalta plant has decided to introduce a new [...]
Screw press
"The intervention is part of a complete reconstruction of a [...]
Rotary printing press basement
During the expansion of the production area of the Daily [...]