The new building for the University of Ulster is currently under construction in Belfast. It will house a number of relocated facilities from the existing Jordanstown Campus, such as lecture theatres, libraries, laboratories, workshops and offices. One of the facilities which will be installed within the building is the Nanotechnology and Integrated BioEngineering Centre (NIBEC) laboratories in Block BC containing equipment and apparatus which is sensitive to vibration. For impact sound insulation and vibration control Isolgomma supplied HIGHMAT 50.


The client has specified a maximum vibration which can be accepted within this area. The purpose of this study is to assess the dynamic characteristics of the structure in detail, to identify the sources of vibration which may cause this limit to be exceeded, and to investigate measures to mitigate this risk.

Suggested solution.

To ensure the required performance, an industrial-type solution was adopted, using the dry-installed HIGHMAT 50 acoustic insulation, to minimize the vibrations from other equipment.


After installation several tests were carried out. The laboratory area is not affected by noises and vibrations generated by the other equipment installed.