The intervention involves the desolidarization of the floating foundation on which will be installed a new compactor and cutting plant for scrap metal.
To reduce the vibrations coming from the plant, due to concrete structures, an anti-vibration solution was used by the application of MEGAMAT 25/950.
Vibration propogation not only disturbs surrounding buildings and the people who live or work in it is harmful to operators who work in the vicinity of the machine and can also suffer permanent damage. In addition, the vibrations reduce the life of the machine, increasing maintenance costs.
Suggested solution.
The Megamat line is the ideal solution to manage these problems. In this specific case, given the high loads involved, it was chosen the MEGAMAT 25/950, a high density and low thickness panel that allowed the control of the vibrations within the little space available and maintained the stability of the machine.
The proposed technical solution has made it possible to avoid the propagation of vibrations, guaranteeing an adequate working environment to the staff and respecting the legal limits established for adjacent buildings.