Insulation of the technical room at ground level of the new hospital in Bolzano. The use of concrete structures can amplify the vibration coming from the HVACs, so it is necessary to use antivibration solutions STRIPE 50/500, specifcally designed for vibration control, alternate with type material FYBRO 30
Check the vibrations emitted by the air treatment machines installed in the basement in direct contact with the building structure.
Suggested solution.
Considering the low weight of the machines and the different technical characteristics, an anti-vibration system has been proposed consisting of an inner base for each machine resting on a hybrid system made of Isolgomma STRIPE 50/500 in double layer and FYBRO 50 polyester fiber in double layer used as a filler.
The limits imposed by the designer were respected, both from the constructive and performance point of view.