The new ALDI commercial center is made of 58 apartments built over the wide commercial area located on the ground floor. The insulation between the two area was done with two layers of Isolgomma GREI and Megamat panels, in order to insulate the complexes from close railway line and from the activity commercial area.


In this project the problems were many: To guarantee an adequate sound insulation between the supermarket and the residential area, Isolate the entire building from the vibrations transmitted by the nearby railway and isolate the apartments to guarantee the legal performances.

Suggested solution.

The design studio asked us to be able to solve the various problems by using as few products as possible to help the company during the construction process. The Megamat line was used to isolate the foundations of the building from the ground while GREI was used to ensure an adequate performance for insulation between the various floors of the building, considering the loads at stake especially in the supermarket area.


Respect the designer's requests, both in terms of performance and the number of products to be used. Excellent collaboration during the design and the construction phase thanks to our local distributor.