Sleeper pads.
Anti-vibration panel, from 6 to 20 mm thickness, produced using fibres and granules of SBR rubber (Stirene Butadiene Rubber) or EPDM rubber (Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer) compacted using a polyurethane glue; density 600 and 800 kg/m³. A non-woven, non-stretch synthetic membrane is applied on both side of panel.
Fields of application
Under sleepers pads
Isolgomma SLITRACK (USP) under-sleeper solutions are mostly used for conventional lines and high-speed lines. The flexible elements are applied to the resting surface of the sleepers layed on ballasted tracks and on reinforced concrete slabs.
Main strenghts

Under Slepper Pads – on ballast
SLITRACK under-sleeper pads for track systems on ballast are mostly used for conventional lines and high-speed lines. They perform the dual role of protecting the ballast, increasing its useful life, and reducing vibrations, thanks to their intrinsic vibration damping properties.

Under Slepper Pads – on concrete
SLITRACK under-sleeper pads for track systems made from reinforced concrete slabs are products with mechanical vibration-damping properties. The reinforced concrete sleeper is covered with SLITRACK panels in order to completely protect the sleeper from the surrounding concrete.