

Solutions that can be applied in adherence, with Rewall, Mustwall and Fybro products, or in suspension with Fybro product. The first application is recommended for residential and commercial environments to ensure a relevant increase in thermo-acoustic performance of existing floors. The second application is ideal in the service industry, to create a cavity in addition to insulation that allows to hide the air conditioning and treatment systems.

New freedom spaces.

False ceiling

A flexible solution, designed for adapting to different existing constructions and offering the best possible acoustic result.

Try our false ceiling panels to considerably improve the acoustic performance of existing floors. Thanks to the low thickness and easy installation, the MUSTWALL line ensures minimally invasive intervention, guaranteeing high acoustic results.

False ceiling on a Concrete Floor.

Improvement for high performance floors

The reinforced concrete floor is increasingly used, especially for its structural performance. Thanks to its mass, the acoustic insulation can be very good and with the right engineered solutions can achieve the highest standards and a superior acoustic comfort.
With the application of an acoustic false ceiling, fixed with acoustic hangers and pre-assembled insulating boards, a disconnection is created, increasing the airborne and impact noise insulation in just a limited space.

Starting phase
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
Concrete slab 82 53
Starting phase + False ceiling
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
MUSTWALL 33B 57 63
MUSTWALL 18B 61 61
Starting phase + False ceiling + Under screed
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
MUSTWALL 33B 47 64
MUSTWALL 18B 49 62

False ceiling on a hollow concrete floor.

Improvement for typical residential floors in multi-storey buildings

Hollow core slab is a very common floor used in building construction, capable of optimizing the self weight and enhancing the load capability. When completed with the structural screed, this floor can grant a good sound insulation, however the installation of an acoustic false ceiling improves the acoustic performance to an excellent level. The use of pre-assembled Isolgomma acoustic boards, installed on acoustic hangers, is a simple and very efficient solution to reach the best insulation values.

Starting phase
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
Hollow core slab 80 52
Starting phase + False ceiling
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
MUSTWALL 33B 57 62
MUSTWALL 18B 59 60
Starting phase + False ceiling + Under screed
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
MUSTWALL 33B 48 63
MUSTWALL 18B 50 61

False ceiling on a timber joists floor.

Sound insulation below the beams

The timber joists floor has weak sound insulation properties, with a particularly critical behavior at low frequencies. Together with an efficient acoustic treatment on top of the floor, the use of a false ceiling below the beams is crucial to reach the best insulation. The use of REDFIX acoustic hangers with Isolgomma pre-assembled acoustic boards, reduces the footfall noise and sensibly improves the overall airborne sound insulation.

Starting phase
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
Timber joists floor 93 27
Starting phase + False ceiling
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
MUSTWALL 33B 56 59
MUSTWALL 18B 58 57
Starting phase + False ceiling + Under screed
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
MUSTWALL 33B 42 68
MUSTWALL 18B 44 67
Sound insulation between the beams

On an existent timber joists floor, improving the sound insulation with a full false ceiling is not always possible. However in particular situations a good solution can be achieved also working in the space between the beams. Closing this space with Isolgomma pre-assembled acoustic boards and filling the cavity with sound absorbing polyester fiber panels, the overall acoustic insulation of the floor can significantly increase, with a minimal and pleasant solution.

Starting phase
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
Timber joists floor 93 27
Starting phase + False ceiling
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
MUSTWALL 33B 79 42
MUSTWALL 18B 81 40
Starting phase + False ceiling + Under screed
Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB)
MUSTWALL 33B 54 62
MUSTWALL 18B 56 59

Suspended ceiling.

The suspended false ceiling is typically used for tertiary sector buildings. It is a very interesting solution as it allows, in the large space left as a gap between the floor and the finish, the insertion of ducts, even large ones, dedicated to cooling, heating and air treatment. It also allows the passage of all other types of installations before finishing. For a proper functioning of the solution it is important for the metal structure to be fixed to the floor by means of Redfix insulated hooks that allow the best management of the propagation of possible transmissions of vibrations through the structure of the building.

Product Lnw(dB) Rw(dB) U (W/m2K)
FYBRO 30 42 66 0,56
FYBRO 50 42 66 0,43

Our products for ceiling.

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