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CLT wall2022-06-23T11:21:01+02:00

CLT wall.

The Rewall and Trywall solutions for light walls combine excellent acoustic performance with excellent thermal insulation values, also offering an extremely easy installation system, thanks to their coupled panels ready for lay.

CLT wall.

Acoustic wall solutions for 100 mm CLT walls, with direct lining or by using a metal structure. In case of wall lining, apply the acoustic panel with the glue. The panel is made up of a 12.5 mm plasterboard coupled with a 28 mm thick acoustic panel and finishing with a 12.5 mm thick plasterboard. In the case of using a metal structure, the acoustic insulation is installed into the 50 mm cavity and the finishing is obtained with a double standard plasterboard 12.5 mm thick.

Product Rw(dB)
REWALL 40 58

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